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In 2015, after graduating with an M.S. in neuroscience, I followed an aching in my bones to leave academia. Soon afterwards, I began dramatically awakening to the spirit realm and consciously embarked on my own healing journey. One of my dear mentor-friends, White Wolf Woman, took me under her wing and began training me in the priestess temple arts.

During a master plant ceremony, I asked how to align fully with my soul mission and heard one clear word----SOUND. Thus, I began apprenticing under a Cherokee/Taíno/Choctaw healer, learning medicine songs from various lineages. This communion allowed my classically trained operatic sound to break into something much more powerful----my true voice. After this vocal rebirth, I began helping others birth their authentic voices. I also began receiving medicine songs through my direct connection with Source and singing them in front of others to inspire their own cathartic emotional release.​

More and more, wherever I found myself, men and women would suddenly start crying in front of me. I would immediately enter a meditative state and notice my hands moving to various parts of their bodies, resting on what I now know as chakra points. Once they stopped crying, they'd look up at me with relief and express gratitude for whatever they felt had been processed. I didn't know what was happening, I just knew I felt more in my element than ever before. 


These experiences would even happen with men in the strip club scene, as I had started dancing after grad school. Earlier in my dancer days, I had accumulated a lot of sexual trauma, which had numbed my body and destroyed my libido. I couldn't be physically intimate with my partner at the time because I'd recoil from his touch. I felt broken. La Madre guided me through successive initiations to reclaim my voice and body within the club. She showed me how to have forgiving conversations with men who had violated my innocence. As I healed my resentment and used my voice to stand up for myself, my sexual energy returned and blossomed in a future relationship where we exclusively explored sacred sexuality. 

Throughout my life, I have also journeyed deeply into movement medicine. Growing up in a Peruvian family, I explored Latin dance styles, which seeded my love for sensual expression. In graduate school, I traveled to Guinea to learn tribal dances; the rawness of the movements always made my heart sing. After graduating, I performed as an exotic dancer, sambista and go-go dancer, and taught pole dance and twerk at a studio. Twerk opened me up to the Womb Mysteries, which inspired me to connect with the consciousnesses of Mother Mary and Magdalene, whose codes I carry throughout all that I do. The full body sensorial presence and radical bliss gifted to me through dance has primed my vessel to receive downloads regarding sacred sensuality/sexuality and pleasure. I guide people through one such download, called Erotic Innocence Exploration.

In reawakening as a ceremonialist and curandera*, I joyously hold workshops and circles that fuse my many modalities and passions, such as sound, movement, and sensual expression. Within these pristine containers, we reconnect to All That We Truly Are. 

In ceremony, I open as a clear vessel for Source, to transmit only that which will best assist those in the space in fulfilling their highest potential. It is my honor to serve in this way, so that we may embody our angelic nature and co-create the Heaven on Earth that lives within our hearts.






I am Hathors' Daughter** and a priestess of the Rose lineage***----an anchor of Heaven on Earth realities, in service to the liberation of humanity and all beings. I magnetize soul tribe so that we may fulfill our greatest act of love upon the earth----

awakening the angel in every heart.


I am continuously initiated by Divine Mother and Her myriad expressions: Gaia; Hathor, Isis, Magdalene, Mother Mary; my Peruvian ancestors & spirit guides; directive wisdom of various master plants and animals, notably La Madre; and beloved mentor-friends on the Path of Pollen–Cristina White Wolf Woman, Joli AquaElle, and Laughing Helen. I bow in deep reverence to all those who have activated my path of remembrance.


I offer pristine transformational containers of pure Divine Love. More and more, I weave sensual expression and Divine play throughout my offerings, which are ever-evolving, as am I. In this playful embodiment, I am known as Hummingbird Heart.

You are your own best medicine, and I am honored to guide you home to the remembrance of All That You Are.

*curar means to cure, so curandera roughly translates to healer; one who assists others in alleviating mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual dis-ease; one who communes with Spirit and the consciousness of plant/animal/mineral allies; one who feels the subtle energies of the body and assists in its reharmonization; one who receives and transmits icaros, or songs of healing; curanderismo holds that you are your own best medicine, that you thrive in your direct communion with Source and that nature reawakens this remembrance 

**the Hathors are an ascended civilization of interdimensional beings, in service to the evolution of humanity; they are masters of Sound and Love

***in the lineage of Divine Feminine Christ embodiments 

Hathor~Isis~Mother Mary~Magdalene

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