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Writer's pictureGaia Sophia

You are God-spark, as the Seed is the Tree.

In certain moments, I feel words pouring through my fingertips almost faster than I can write them; oftentimes, my crown chakra simultaneously tingles or I experience a full-body buzzing.

I call these “transmission writings”, as it feels like I’m receiving a transmission of high frequency information from Divine Source---whether in the form of spirit guides, angels, interdimensional allies, ascension masters, my higher self consciousness/Golden Solar Angel, or whatever unique expression of Source Love wishes to pour through.

This particular message came to me as I sat on a flight from Las Vegas, NV to Eugene, OR; divine inspiration can land in the most seemingly mundane of places. I smiled and almost chuckled while I wrote, as the energy of the message was so matter-of-fact, playful, and loving. I could feel the Divine looking upon humanity with absolute adoration. May these words joyously open your heart and tickle your spirit, as they did mine.

Message from The Guides/Angels.

May 18, 2021

You are perfection. You are God-spark...

The way a seed is a tree.

The seed holds the potential to embody a fully mature tree. To say “the seed is a tree” is not untrue. So, you are God. Perhaps you have yet to embody every immaculate quality that you are, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are THAT.

You don’t look at a seed that became a sapling and say, “It has failed at being a tree.” That’s not true. It is a tree----just at the juvenile sapling stage. In the same way, you are maturing into your Divine potential.

The seed doesn’t need to TRY to become a tree. It is simply BECOMING that which it already is. Just as you are. You don’t need your beloved ego aspect micromanaging and controlling trying to be God. Being God is already happening. You are embodying your Godliness to greater and greater degrees as you mature.

The sapling doesn’t say, “and now I will grow an inch and sprout a branch”--just like you didn’t control your body’s changes during puberty. The changes merely happened by grace. You didn’t say, “and now I shall grow leg hair”; it just happened.

In the same way, you are unfolding perfectly, by grace. The sapling is unfolding perfectly, by grace. It’s quite a perfect part of the process, to become a sapling before becoming a fully mature tree. You are at a perfect stage in your development as well.

You may think you have flaws, but when you see yourself through the eyes of Divine/Love/God, you have no flaws. You are immaculate, just as you are.

You may retort, “But I am not yet a tree!”

And the Divine lovingly declares, “Ah, but you ARE a tree...just at the sapling stage. And what a perfect sapling you are, unfolding in perfect timing.”

With all my love,

Gaia Sophia

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