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The declaration you led me through worked immediately! I woke up this morning and mentally explored the sexual traumas from my past and felt no emotional charge; it was as if a boulder had been lifted from my chest. I feel healed from those experiences permanently. I feel no sexual shame anymore. I also no longer have the desire to use alcohol or other things as a coping mechanism for those traumas. I am in tears right now so grateful to the power of Source!


Our session was different from anything I’ve ever experienced. You took me to a place I had never been. I felt like I was above my life, overseeing everything with clarity and control–much more aligned with my Higher Self in that moment. I saw myself with angel wings and felt very empowered, open, safe, and Heaven on Earth. That was so powerful. Typically I have problems meditating but with you it was very easy. After the session, I was much more calm and peaceful. Since then, I’ve felt much less frustration, stress, and anxiety. I’m not jumping to conclusions. I used to get really angry and I’m not in that place anymore. Things have slowed down to where I could see. I have more clarity around what I need to do. That godlike feeling of overlooking everything–I still feel it weeks later. I can more easily step back, tap into that feeling and discern why something is happening in my life and what the lesson is.

Bob Borowick

One of my biggest challenges was using my Fibromyalgia diagnosis as a crutch. Since our session, I have not only *not* used Fibromyalgia as an excuse, pain, or qualifier–I haven’t even thought about it! There’s been this complete release of ownership of it. During the session, I was surprised at how much I was able to relax and let go. The space felt so open, peaceful, and welcoming–your voice soothing and genuine. I felt safe. I tend to get congested and hold a lot in my chest, but my breathing became easier. My mind stopped racing in different directions. Generally, I plan three days off to process healing sessions because I’ll feel flu-sick afterwards, but that didn’t happen this time. Instead, I felt open, light, calm, and energetic. I even worked a 13-hour restaurant shift and instead of feeling my usual panic to get to bed afterwards, I felt relaxed, awake, and able to focus. So the integration process has been going really smoothly.

Crystal Dossman

I tend to be more quiet, but since our session I now feel open to use my voice in situations where I would have paused before. I feel empowered to say what I really want and am okay with it not landing on everybody the same way. If it’s important for me to say, I can just say it; I don’t feel that I need as much acceptance from others. Now my voice feels as though it's coming from a more grounded place, and I can assert myself in professional situations with the people who I’m trying to be heard by more clearly.

Teresa Slattery

I came into our session desiring to connect deeper with my guides and more expanded Self. I immediately felt so comfortable and held in the container. I could really feel you guiding and working alongside the Spirits that came in, like Hummingbird activating my third eye, and the Angels with me…my own angel wings sprouting and spreading. After the session, I continued to feel those angels with me. In the following weeks, I would remind myself that the hummingbird and angel wings were there, visualizing them and anchoring them in. It’s helped me tap back into subtle energies and remember my power. I now feel more clarity in hearing messages and trusting my inner knowing. I feel more empowered with where I am in my life and in being seen. I did a community energy healing for the first time after our session, and felt that I could finally be my actual self instead of hiding in the roles or identities that I’ve created. Someone came up to me recently and asked, “So what do you do?” and I replied, “I’m an energy healer.” I’ve never said that before. I used to stumble in my wording, but now I feel more confident to shine my light authentically.

Meghan Zimmer

I have had a soul embodiment session and attended three of Christina’s ceremonies so far: the voice activation, erotic innocence, and a rebirthing ceremony. All 3 ceremonies, as well as the soul embodiment session, have been deeply healing portals for transformation, divine remembrance, and soul retrieval. Christina is such a clear channel for Spirit and has a gentle yet powerful & grounded soul. Her loving presence and the way she sets the space makes one feel so safe to unravel, to express, to feel, & to release without feeling like they’re too much. 
I highly recommend attending one of her ceremonies or sessions as they are deeply nourishing, empowering, liberating, & totally honor one’s free will. She is a very gifted guide & facilitator who knows how to make people feel seen, understood, & held in love. In group ceremonies she is very present & attentive to everyone, providing extra support to those who need it. Working with Christina, whether it’s a one on one session or joining one of her group ceremonies, is definitely a gift your soul.


The Healing Intimacy retreat broke me open in the most necessary and pivotal way. When we were doing the somatic anger exercises, it became so clear that in my experiences with violation and betrayal, I finally understood that the work is for me. That for every time I’ve been violated or betrayed, I am the witness and participant, and that I have the ability to do things differently as I move forward in this human experience. I used to be scared of my anger but now I’m really embracing her–the tiger in me–and roaring in so many ways. Yet also, I’m finally in a space to see ME in all these situations, instead of only seeing the people that have caused those feelings [of violation or betrayal] in me. I’m really seeing myself and getting into a space where I can give myself tenderness and grace. And so I say all this to express just how important this weekend was for me.


I had been feeling irritable–with tension and pain in my lower back and womb space. As soon as I arrived to our session, I was surprised by how quickly things started to move. Even just during the opening invocation, I could feel the things that I had been holding onto start circulating, bubbling, and letting go. Afterwards, I felt much more relaxed throughout my entire body, and especially in my lower back and womb. I also felt a newfound sense of groundedness, openness, and resilience.


I'm so overcome with how impactful our session was. I've done 5 psilocybin ceremonies with another practitioner and our session and the following integration has been so much more meaningful to me. I feel like it's all coming together...all the pieces of myself that had been lost. I even reached out to my mom to ask if I could borrow my baby book. I'm remembering parts of my childhood and adolescence that I had closed off before and locked away. Thank you for your wisdom and healing. I can't imagine the leaps we're going to make in our next session together.


Over the course of time, I had lost the sense of joy and lightness I felt when I was young. This unique journey with Christina led me to rediscovering the profound connection to my innermost self.  Since our session, I have been more honest, compassionate, and empathetic toward myself.  A truly wonderful, enlightening experience, I highly recommend Christina's work!


I decided to seek healing work with Christina via phone during a time when I was feeling quite fragile. During the session I was guided by sound, imagery, and Christina's deep connection to the unseen helpers who came to my aid. There were several moments when I experienced full-body chills, affirming that sacred soul work was being undertaken. The rest of my day, post-session, I was in a state of bliss and deep relaxation. I am happy to report that since our time together the dis-ease I was facing has begun to gently dissolve while my sense of peace and contentment continues to expand.


In my last trimester of pregnancy, I found myself weighed down with feelings of worry, unworthiness, and doubt. During our phone session, Christina used the element of fire, affirmations, and song to cradle me back into the arms of Source. Through her guiding energy, I was able to feel reconnected to the beautiful soul growing inside me and oneness of the universe that surrounds me. Her intuitive messages allowed me the freedom and courage to send my troubles and worry to the fire, burning away, turning to ash. Post-session, I often find myself reciting the affirmations gifted to me as an anchor throughout my day.


Christina uses deep listening and sharp, clear intuition to find the specific vocal exercises to personalize our session. She has an ability to take me on a journey of Reclamation, Healing retrieval, and transmutation that ends up leaving me with an expanded energy field; on several occasions, she has held impeccable space for my silence or tears, making our container incredibly safe. I prescribe a session with the intelligent power of her beauty.

Cristina (White Wolf Woman)

I had a remote healing session with Christina, and I feel like she was able to assist me in shifting so much negative energy and deep spiritual issues that were not serving me. I had been feeling stuck, and the different modalities she used, which included breath work, helped me to regain my voice and the clarity of the path I am on. I felt at peace and ten times lighter after our session. I would highly recommend working with Christina for anyone who wants to make a shift in their life and get back to feeling like their true self.


My private sound healings with Christina take me to a place of complete rest and peace. I am able to let go and feel taken care of. Her sessions are a melodic blend of instruments, her voice, smells, and light touch. I am taken on a journey to dive into myself and discover what needs to be opened up and held. My hands get hot and my body feels light as air as it buzzes with the energy flowing between Christina, myself, the earth and my guides. Thank you for creating a space of love and care for me.


I felt the poison bleeding from my fingertips. A session that I will never forget, undeniably powerful, the resonance of the sound healing session drew me into the moment. Christina uses her powerful voice to transform peace into a tangible feeling that is timeless.


Christina's intentions are so pure and filled with love, you can really feel that every second spent with her. Being pregnant can cause stress and worry thinking about the future. Letting Christina guide me into a state of light and love during our group sound healing session was exactly what me and my baby needed.


The group sound healing was super powerful and helpful. I felt very safe, comfortable and nurtured, and I could feel a positive shift happening in my body every ten minutes or so: less stressed, less tense, more vibrantly healthy. The session helped shed light upon and guide me towards a solution for a problem I've been struggling with. I sat up feeling deeply rejuvenated.


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